Groupe exhibition December – BLAA Galleri, Copenaghen

December 5, 2018
Written by: admin

Blaa Galleri is pleased to announce a group exhibition with Meik Brüsch, Jess Stæhr, Christian Gundtoft, Henry The Rabbit, Red Tweny and Vanni Venturini. 07/12 – 20/12 2018

Opening on the 7th of december 2018 at 5:00 PM

Through the last month of the year we once more present a group exhibition featuring works of art selected among the regular artists of the gallery. The exhibition offers a peak into each artist’s universe as well as trying to create a shared visual identity with reminiscences of expressionism, surrealism and folk art. These artists have a raw and naive style or narrative in common and a way of operating driven by impulse and imagination. Be it painting, drawing, linocut or assemblage, the craft too is important as they work with their hands and simple tools, cherishing the very process of the work and the textures, flaws and fortunes that comes with it.

Among other things, the exhibition will include ink drawings by the Italian artists Vanni Venturini and Red Tweny and by Christian Gundtoft two of his newest acrylic paintings. Jess Stæhr has worked with oil on masonite to make a large portrait of Bo Thrige Andersen, the drummer from Burnin Red Ivanhoe. Another linocut tarot by Henry The Rabbit will be shown, this time being L’Ermite, the card for soul-searching and wisdom, put in an old black frame. From Meik Brüsch will be a new assemblage. As always rich with colour, this is Meik’s first attempt using oil paint instead of acrylics.